6 Best Online Side Hustle Ideas 2022

6 Best Online Side Hustle Ideas 2022
6 Best Online Side Hustle Ideas 2022

 are you looking to earn some extra money

this year what if i told you that you

could earn an extra 200 or more per week

in your spare time whether you want to

turn your hobby into a side hustle or

monetize your spare bedroom there are

plenty of ways to make extra income in

2022. what's up winners my name is nam

if you're new here welcome here we talk

all things personal finance and credit

start now by subscribing so you don't

miss out on any future videos i would

like to thank ethos life for sponsoring

today's video but more on them later

today i want to talk about how to earn

extra money in your spare time some of

these ideas can start earning

immediately while others can take some

more time to get started so here are my

six favorite online side hustles for

2022. the first hot house that i want to

talk about is online advertising since

2015 the online advertising market has

been growing at a rate of 15.7 percent

per year and it shows no sign of slowing

down so why not get yourself a piece of

that pie now you may think that you have

to have a product or a service to

advertise but you don't instead you can

earn money by running ad campaigns for

small businesses do you have a friend

who's a pet groomer or someone who owns

a used car lot start asking about them

about advertising plans and to see if

they're interested in running online ads

once you've run a successful campaign or

two you can start growing your business

through referrals some people end up

quitting their day jobs and working this

full time as an advertising freelancer

that said you can get started with just

a few hours of work per week so for that

effort you'll earn a thousand dollars or

more from each client of course digital

advertising requires some skills first

off you're gonna need to be able to

create effective ads so if you're not

really into the whole salesman thing

then this idea may not be for you second

you're gonna need to have access to

different advertising platforms

different platforms have their own

strengths and weaknesses for example

google is a fantastic platform if you

want to advertise on a wider web but

with google you're dealing with clinical

interface and tons of complicated

features don't get me wrong this is

great if you're an experienced pro you

get detailed analytics with all the

information that you need to tweak and

test your ad campaign but if you are

just starting out you may want to start

on a platform that's more

beginner-friendly that's where

facebook's ad marketplace come in handy

unlike most other platforms facebook

makes things easy and accessible for

beginners despite this you're gonna have

some of the same powerful tools that you

get from other ad platforms probably the

most important feature is geo targeting

on facebook you can target your ads to

people in a specific geographic area

that way your local business ads can

actually get local customers you can

also filter by interests age and other

factors by targeting your ads your

campaigns will earn more money and your

clients will be happy the reason why

this particular side hustle is so

attractive is that it is still

relatively a new market not too long ago

only big businesses could truly leverage

the power of online advertising by

running ads on facebook marketplace you

can help smaller business reap the same

rewards since facebook also owns

instagram you can also run campaigns on

there there are plenty of free resources

online and on youtube that'll teach you

how to run online ads running facebook

ads require a knack for communication

but so does a second side hustle

proofreading and copywriting i put these

two things in the same category because

you really need the same set of skills

so what proofreading is is an art of

correcting written content before it is

publicized proofreaders can work for

bloggers professional writers webmasters

and everyone else that produces written

content even the best writers they

sometimes forget a comma flip an

apostrophe or type t-o when they meant

to type t-o-o that's where a proofreader

comes in proofreading requires attention

to detail and the ability to work

quickly you'll be paid by the word so

the faster you go the more money that

you'll get paid copywriting is similar

in that you typically be paid by the

word however instead of correcting

someone else's content you are creating

your own many blogs and certain outlets

are constantly looking for freelancers

to create fresh content and with

freelancing sites such as upwork it is

easy to find them if you're going to be

a proofreader or copywriter it's going

to help to have content of your own to

showcase as an example it helps a lot if

you have your own blog so you can show

potential clients what you're capable of

i know that we've been talking about

earning money because it's something

that you don't want to be a problem so

this brings me to today's sponsor ethos

i'm the breadwinner of my family there

are people who depend on me so i would

never want to leave them in a financial

burden if anything ever does happen to

me you might be wondering but nom you're

young and active the likelihood of

something happening is low while this is

true i used to work in an intensive care

unit in a hospital and you can't imagine

all the stuff that i saw in a toad that

it has on their loved ones according to

investopedia each year that you wait

life insurance rates increase by eight

to ten percent each year and according

to limra life insurance marketing and

research association 40 have insured

which they purchase their life insurance

policies at a younger age traditionally

life insurance has been confusing

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online application process they also

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so all you got to do is just answer a

few health questions you're able to get

set up with life insurance in a couple

of minutes instead weeks they also

partner with the top rated carriers so

you can rest assured that your loved

ones will be better protected get your

own personalized free quote today by

clicking my link down below moving on to

our third side hustle which is blogging

having a blog can be fun because you can

write about pretty much anything if you

have a hobby or an interest there are

other people who have the same interest

so if you produce quality content some

of those people will read it prolific

writers can put out one or more posts

per day but if you're blogging in your

spare time one or two posts per week is

probably a more realistic goal from a

financial perspective blogging has some

major benefits and major drawbacks on

the upside you have the highest income

potential of any of today's six options

due to its scalability on the downside

you can also run a blog for years and

end up earning nothing in return this

depends not on how many views that you

get but also how you monetize your blog

so what are some ways that you can

monetize your blog the most obvious way

is to run ads with services like google

even small blogs can run third party ads

the downside with this approach is that

you won't earn that much at first on a

blog with less than a thousand visitors

per day you're gonna be earning pennies

for those ads so while you can

technically start running ads 

immediately it will take some time for

you to earn any real money if you want

to start earning income from your blog

right away the better option is to join

an affiliate program affiliate programs

are offered by major retailers and even

some small ones here's how it works

first you join affiliate program like

sites like amazon and this site will

give you a special affiliate code to add

to your links next is to mention the

product into one of your blog posts this

should be ideally relevant to dimension

so it doesn't look like spam you provide

an affiliate link and some of your

readers will click through whenever

someone clicks on your link and makes a

purchase then you earn a percentage of

the proceeds affiliate income can

particularly be lucrative if you're

linking to high-end products with a

higher ticket price another useful

blogging tactic is to reach out to other

platforms and ask if they want to do an

exchange for a guest post this means

that you're writing a post for their

blog and they're writing a post for

yours this doesn't help you earn money

directly but it is a great way to gain

new readers and grow your audience if

there isn't enough interest in your

chosen topic you can even grow a blog

into an online course an online course

is an in-depth class which can be about

any topic the key is to find something

that resonates with your blog readers it

helps to think that your blog is a free

version of your product and the classes

are the paid version meanwhile a blog is

just text but people expect more of an

online course that they pay for consider

incorporating pictures or videos into

your course for a more robust user

experience another important thing to

remember is that you don't necessarily

want your online course to be cheap if

it's cheap people may think it's not

worth their time if you run a successful

blog this probably can be one of the

most passive streams of income that

anyone can get because once a post is

done as long as people read it and click

on your affiliate links then there's

really nothing else to it you may have

to update the post every now and then

then update your information or numbers

but generally blogs can be very passive

now this takes us on to our fourth side

hustle which is online tutoring tutoring

is kind of like an online course in a

sense that you need to be an expert at

something but instead of creating one

class for many people you're coaching

someone one-on-one in the past most

people did their tutoring in person but

during the pandemic online tutoring

started to become popular and it doesn't

show any signs of declining so ask

yourself what you're good at are you a

math quiz or an expert guitar player

maybe you could help a student learn one

of these skills tutoring isn't for

everybody but it has a couple important

benefits to begin with you get to set

your own schedule take one or two

students a week or book every free

minute that you have for another thing

you can start earning money right away

there's really no lead time like there

is with blogging some common websites

where you can tutor students is italki

tutor.com and brainfuse.com another way

to start making money right away is via

drop shipping which is the fifth side

hustle that i wanted to discuss drop

shipping is a fancy way of saying that

you're acting as a middleman in

traditional retail a retailer buy large

quantities of items from a wholesaler

the retailer then marks up the product

and sells it to the customers for a

profit a lot of online retailers work

the same way but drop shipping is a bit

different with traditional retail you

have to make a large upfront investment

in your product say that you found a

great wholesale electric razor in

germany and you wanted to sell it in the

u.s you would have to buy hundreds even

thousands of razors up front not only

that but you want to be guaranteed any

sales if razers didn't turn out to be

popular you'd be sitting with a bunch of

useless inventory with drop shipping you

said about online storefronts without

actually having any inventory when your

customer place orders you place an order

with your wholesaler on their behalf

then you keep the rest of their payment

as profit this allows everyday people to

set up an online store without having to

invest a lot of money into merchandise

how much you make will depend on your

sales volume as well as what you are

selling but after you finish your

initial website setup you can add more

products over time eventually this can

turn to a full-time job there are plenty

of online resources that teach you how

to go about doing this but plus there

seems like there's a lot of online

courses where gurus talk about drop

shipping but the premise of this

technique is very simple no matter what

you do you're gonna have to invest in

marketing even though you're just a

middleman trying to sell other companies

products you're still gonna have to

promote the product as it was yours

where i see the direction of drop

shipping rather than selling on facebook

or instagram i feel like most of the

eyeballs right now are on tick tock if

you're able to showcase a product and

make an interesting video about it i'm

pretty sure you can have great success

going this route i have seen many

creators make ads and sell products on

tiktok that are targeted towards a

younger generation and be quite

successful the six side hustle that i

wanted to talk about is renting out

things i probably can't make a whole

video about the side hustle there are

plenty of websites nowadays where you

can rent out items such as your clothes

camera equipment cars and pretty much

anything that you can think of in

exchange for money for instance you

probably heard of services like turo or

airbnb ferturo this is an online

platform where allows you to rent out

your car if you guys have been following

the economy and the car shortage rental

car prices have greatly increased ever

since if you are working from home and

really don't drive often why not make

extra money on turo the same concept

goes for your home if you have a spare

bedroom or even a couch depending on

your comfort level of renting out your

space you can make some extra side cash

from hosting visitors there are people

who make a full-time income having a

rental car business and airbnb rentals

so definitely this can be a stepping

stone into something much larger for me

i'm a creator so i need camera equipment

depending on the type of video that i'm

shooting so there are websites like kit

split and share grid that allows you to

rental high-end photography and film

equipment this really depends on where

you live if you live in a metro area you

may get more success since there is a

higher demand if you live in a smaller

town or a rural area in the u.s you may

not see any hits whatsoever so if you're

not a filmmaker or a photographer you

may be a parent there's a website called

baby quip which allows you to rent out

baby equipment the main premise is that

people who travel to different cities

and states may not bring all the

necessary items that they may need if

you are a parent or just have old baby

equipment laying around that's being

unused you can land out your items for a

price there has to be a big enough

demand for what you're offering another

thing to keep in mind with any type of

rental service is that it's going to

take a little bit more work and hustle

compared to other side hustles due to

the fact that you may have to meet with

the person drop it off pick it up plus

cleaning the rental additionally you may

have to think about customer service and

the possibility of your item being

damaged or stolen but luckily with most

of these websites some sort of insurance

does protect both parties that said i

can't tell you which one of these ideas

if any is right for you that's a

personal decision it really comes down

to how much time that you want to invest

and how long you are willing to wait to

start seeing any income but if you are

rather looking for a job in a side

hustle check out my videos over here

where i go over the best online jobs

that you can do right now


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